The new official site of the University of Wyoming IAMG student chapter
Statistical methods for geophysical inverse problems
Mini-symposium – September 28, 2019
Geophysical measurements are commonly used to predict rock and fluid properties in the subsurface. The physical models that map subsurface properties into their geophysical response are known; therefore, the estimation of the properties of interest from the geophysical measurements is an inverse problem. The solution is not unique due to the noise in the data, the low resolution of the measurements, the approximations in the physical models, and the natural variability of the model properties. Deterministic and statistical methods have been proposed in the geophysics literature. Statistical methods aim to predict the most likely solution as well as quantify its uncertainty. The goal of the mini-symposium is to present recent advances in statistical methods for geophysical inverse problems and discuss their advantages and limitations. Topics of the presentations include: stochastic optimization methods, Bayesian inversion, Markov chain Monte Carlo, and ensemble-based methods.
Session 1
Keynote Speaker: Klaus Mosegaard (Niels Bohr Institute, University of Copenhagen, Denmark)
Leandro de Figueiredo (Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina, Brazil)
Ole Forberg (Norwegian University of Science and Technology, Norway)
Mingliang Liu (University of Wyoming, WY, USA)
Session 2
Keynote Speaker: Mrinal Sen (University of Texas, TX, USA)
Vaughn Ball (Colorado School of Mines, CO, USA)
Daniel Blatter (Lamont-Doherty Earth Observatory, Columbia University, NY, USA)
Mohit Ayani (University of Wyoming, WY, USA)
Continuing Education Activities for Fall 2019:
Math tutoring for Geoscience students - Weekly during the semester
Info session for graduate school (joint with AAPG student chapter) - October 2019
Review session before finals (joint with SEG student chapter) - November 2019
Practice talk sessions for conference presentations (joint with AAPG student chapter)
Distinguished Lecture on stochastic optimization
Seminar by Prof. Leonardo Azevedo, University of Lisbon
Monday, March 18 2019, at 3.10 pm – Geology 216
Workshop on Nuclear Magnetic Resonance
Seminar by Dr. Denys Grombacher, University of Aarhus
Monday, October 15 2018, at 3.10 pm – Geology 216
Distinguished Lecture on Rock Physics and Seismic Inversion
Seminar by Prof. Kyle Spikes, University of Texas
Monday, April 8 2018, at 3.10 pm – Geology 216
Distinguished Lecture on Earthquake Seismology
Seminar by Prof. Marine Denolle, Harvard University
Monday, March 17 2018, at 3.10 pm – Geology 216

Distinguished Lecture:
Engineering applications of geological models
Seminar by Prof. Clayton Deutsch, Professor at University of Alberta
Monday, April 17 2017, at 3.10 pm – Geology 216
Distinguished Lecture:
Shale rock physics, geomechanics, and petrophysics
Seminar by Prof. Manika Prasad, Professor at Colorado School of Mines
Monday, March 6 2017, at 3.10 pm – Geology 216
SEG Annual Meeting, Dallas, TX
Dr. Dario Grana receives the 2016 SEG J. Clarence Karcher Award
Modeling ground water flow and transport in strongly heterogeneous formation
Seminar by Dr. Sean McKenna, Senior Research Manager at IBM, Dublin, Ireland
Wednesday, September 28 2016, at noon – SER Encana Auditorium
Integrating rock physics modeling, pre-stack inversion and Bayesian classification: Examples from the Alberta basin and the Gulf of Mexico
Seminar by Dr. Brian Russell, Vice President, Software, Hampson-Russell
Thursday, April 21 2016, at 3.10 pm – SER Encana Auditorium
Characterization and Modeling of Deep-water Slope Channels Using Digital Outcrop Data
Seminar by Dr. Lisa Stright, Colorado State University
Monday, April 4 2016, at 3.10 pm – GE 216
Ski trip - Snowy Range ski area
Thursday, January 21, 2016
Ensemble based methos for history matching
Lecture by Dr. Albert Reynolds, University of Tulsa
Friday, November 20, 2015, at 12.10 pm – SER Encana Auditorium
Geostatistical inversion of seismic data
Seminar by Dr. Leonardo Azevedo, University of Lisbon
Monday, October 26, 2015, at 3.10pm – Geology Department, Room 216IAMG Distinguished Lecture
Seminar by Dr. Eric Grunsky, Geological Survey of Canada
Tuesday, April 14, 2015, at 12.10pm – SER Encana Auditorium
(Brown bag lunch)
Seismic inversion
Seminar by Dr. Brian Russell, CGG
Monday, March 23, at 3.10pm – Geology Department, Room 216
Prof. Dario Grana visits INRS-ETE (Quebec City, Canada) and its IAMG student chapter
March 16-18, 2015 - Quebec City, Canada
Geostatistics based decision-making
Lecture by Prof. Dario Grana, University of Wyoming
Friday, February 27, 2015, at 12.10pm – SER Encana Auditorium
(Brown bag lunch)
Bayesian inversion of seismic and EM data
Presentation by Xiaozheng Lang, IAMG student chapter member
Tuesday, December 9, 2014, at 3.00pm – Geology Department, Room 213
Statistical rock physics model for CO2 sequestration
Presentation by Wenting Wu, IAMG student chapter member
Tuesday, December 9, 2014, at 3.30pm – Geology Department, Room 213
Bayesian 4D inversion
Presentation by Haris Khan, IAMG student chapter member
Tuesday, December 2, 2014, at 3.00pm – Geology Department, Room 213
History matching using Ensemble Kalman Filter
Presentation by Zelong Wang, IAMG student chapter member
Tuesday, December 2, 2014, at 3.30pm – Geology Department, Room 213
IAMG student chapter visits the Shell 3-D visualization laboratory
(School of Energy Resources, University of Wyoming,
SER Distinguished lecture:
Recent Advances in CO2 Storage & Technology:
Presentation by Dr. Sally Benson,
Professor in the Department of Energy Resources Engineering, Stanford University
Friday, September 19, 2014, 4.00 pm - Energy Innovation Center - Encana Auditorium
Professor Henning Omre, Department of Statistics, NTNU Trondheim, Norway visits University of Wyoming (Nov 1 2014 – Nov 14 2014) and meets with SRC research group students and Professor Dario Grana.
SER Distinguished lecture:
Carbon Capture and Storage: What are the Big Issues and Opportunities for the Petroleum Industry?”
Presentation by Dr. John Kaldi
Professor and Chair of Geosequestration, University of Adelaide
Chief Scientist for the Cooperative Research Centre for Greenhouse Gas Technologies
Friday, April 18, 2014 at 12:00pm - Energy Innovation Center 201
IAMG student chapter seminar:
Reservoir characterization
Presentation by
Dr. Dario Grana
Assistant professor, University of Wyoming
Tuesday, February 25, 2014 at 11:00am - Health Sciences Building Room 427
IAMG student chapter seminar:
Reservoir characterization
Presentation by
Dr. Dario Grana
Assistant professor, University of Wyoming
Tuesday, February 25, 2014 at 1:20pm - SER building Encana Auditorium
IAMG student chapter kickoff meeting
Wednesday, February 19, 2014 at 4:00pm – ESB room 103